The Body Emotions 

Emotion Code Body Code Practitioner  

  Tom Heintz cecp cbcp Practitioner 

Alternative Medicine Holistic Energy Therapist

Emotion Code & Body Code



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How Salt Lamps Can Help Protect You From EMFs

- 4/17/15

  • Electro Magnetic Fields (EMFs) may be the cuplrit 

Do you ever feel drained after working on the computer for a few hours? Or just beat when you're in the office? Or a little scattered after a long cell phone call?

Electro Magnetic Fields (EMFs) may be the culprit.

EMFs are invisible electric fields that are generated by charged particles in motion. EMFs can be found in power lines, cell phones, computers, microwaves, TVs and hair dryers.

EMFs are known to disrupt our body's composition. Recent studies link EMFs to increased risks of leukemia, lymphoma, brain and breast cancer, melanoma, miscarriages, birth defects, immune dysfunctions and most recently, Alzheimer's disease. Researchers have also found that EMFs can decrease our pineal glands secretion of melatonin, an important hormone that regulates our wake and sleep cycle, moods and basic task functioning. Low melatonin levels are associated with mood changes, depression, cancers and other psychiatric disorders.

In offices, EMF exposures can be up to 10,000 times greater than levels elsewhere.

So what can we do?

In todays ever-connected world, avoiding EMFs is nearly impossible. The key is to reduce exposure when and where we can.

Behold the beauty and power of salt lamps.

They are beautiful natural healthy glowing and great additions to your healing arsenal.

Salt mineral lamps contain negative ions that are activated with heat (hence the lamp). These negative ions are the chemical opposites of the EMF and pollution ions that bombard our environment. Think of these lamps as little vacuum cleaners that suck up or neutralize the bad guys.

The salt in these lamps is typically mined in the Himalaya, Poland, or Persia. Be sure you buy from a reputable source, as there are imitations out there. The key is to look for a deep, rich color, as this indicates more minerals.


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