The Body Emotions 

Emotion Code Body Code Practitioner  

  Tom Heintz cecp cbcp Practitioner 

Alternative Medicine Holistic Energy Therapist

Emotion Code & Body Code






Thanks to Dr. Bradley Nelson, the author of "The Emotion Code"™, a viable system has been created to easily remove these trapped emotions. Frequently resulting in a new opportunity for the body to heal itself, whether it be a physical, mental or emotional distress.

These techniques have been taught to certified Emotion Code™ and Body Code practitioners to assist in the holistic approach of healing.


What is this Energy Work?

I do a form of energy work called The Emotion Code, where I help people to get rid of their emotional baggage. The technique works to identify and release trapped emotions, which are harmful emotional energies from negative past events.

Trapped emotions may cause depression, anxiety and emotional self-sabotage, and they seem to block people from love and happiness and make them feel disconnected from others. And because trapped emotions are made of energy, just like the rest of the body, they may exert a harmful influence on the physical tissues, and may cause acute pain and may even contribute to the creation of diseases such as cancer.

We believe that releasing trapped emotions helps the body to heal physically.  Then, emotional difficulties will often disappear or become easier to deal with.



Emotional Energy
This information helps us locate and remove the trapped emotions the body is ready to release.

   Because the emotions are comprised of energy, the use of magnets are employed to remove and redirect the energy flow. Amazingly, this can also be done remotely as well as in person. This allows the possibility of release from anywhere in the world.







Emotion Code Introductory Session

Emotion Code Session 1

Emotion Code Session 1

Emotion Code Session 1

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